The proposed project was to design a series of three book covers. Each book would be based on a concept or movement that was provided. These where Anarchism, Communism and Post-modernism.
Throughout this project I have endeavored to keep my book jacket as intellectual and minimalist as possible so as not to contradict the intellectual and intricate writing inside the book. I have chosen to use ‘ISM’ as a bold main focus on my cover to clearly communicate the context of the book along with having this repeated on the reverse of the jacket for balance and continuity of the cover. On the reverse of the cover I have also cut out space so the ISM does not obstruct the publisher’s logo on the back cover. When put into production I would suggest the cover to be printed on a laminated soft back book that has been embossed with the ‘ISM’ on both the front and back along with the main ‘ism’ subject as this produces a stronger aesthetic result to entice the consumer. Also, including another sense of touch to the quality of the cover is something that may influence a buyer to purchase the book.
I have chosen to keep the cover in monotone due to the serious intellectual nature of the books and the use of colour would not enhance the intellectual text inside but would conflict with the message of the book. This would have resulted in the aesthetic of a fiction book jacket and not the serous tone needed for a non-fictional cover.