In this experimental brief I have explored how best to sensitively represent six traits of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) within the letterpress room. Focusing on Cleanliness, Repetition, Control, Symmetry/Balance, Isolation and Intrusive Thoughts I have used the range of facilities and materials available to find aesthetic solutions to represent each trait within a week’s worth of experimentation per stereotypical attribute. This subject is of a personal interest to me as I suffer from a mild form OCD and find the routines of letterpress soothing and precise enough to distract my mind from some of the normal routines and habits I use.
As well as treating the prints and process in a sensitive way I deliberately approached my sketchbook in the same manner. The use of a particular style of paperclip is important as this demonstrates the control aspect of OCD. Every paperclip has an identified position and purpose. This theme has been echoed on every page of the project journal with a light outline of the grid which has been used to structure the booklet.
I encourage you to take note of week 6 in the journal. Representing Intrusive Thoughts in this medium is a poignant way to round up the project as it not only impacts sufferers of OCD but everyone may experience these thoughts at some point in their lives.